Friends of the Middletown Springs Public Library launched an informational meeting to present the work of the steering committee. The newly formed organization has moved forward by incorporating and registering with the State. Vision and mission statements, by-laws, ethics policy, and memo of understanding with the Middletown Springs Library have all been developed and were presented at the meeting. There was a good turnout and lots of enthusiasm for supporting the viability and vitality of the library. Application for 501c(3) is nearly complete and we anticipate acceptance as a non-profit status.
The first annual meeting will be held Nov 27 at 7:00pm at the Library. Refreshments will be served. At this meeting the officers and executive committee will be elected. The executive committee will be composed of: President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Membership Secretary, Treasurer and two At-Large members.
Membership dues for 2013 were set very low to encourage everyone that wants to support the library to do so at whatever level is comfortable.
_____ $5.00 Individual
_____ $10.00 Family
_____ $50.00 Contributing (individual or family)
_____ $50.00 Business
Please consider becoming a member and joining in at the annual meeting. Just complete the form and drop it off with your payment at the Middletown Springs Library or mail it to 39 West St., Middletown Springs. Checks should be made to Friends of the Middletown Springs Public Library.
Thank you for your interest and support!