March 25,2013
Dear Middletown Springs Residents:
Thank you to everyone who came out to vote on Town Meeting Day. Our school budget failed to pass 165-161. We offer this information to help inform you before you re-vote on April 30. We will serve a free, light meal, planned and prepared by our new cook Marianna Charalabopoulos, on April 29, from 5:30-6:30 followed by an informational meeting starting at 6:30 in the multipurpose room at Middletown Springs Elementary School, where we will discuss the following topics in more detail and answer your questions. Free Childcare will be provided.
At the informational meeting we will focus on the following points:
- We have revised the budget to reflect the most current and accurate figures. This yields a 3.01% increase over last years budget.
- The Tax Rate is predicted to go down. This means that if your house is appraised for the same amount as last year, you will be paying less school taxes than last year!
- Quality time spent in school increases student success.
- Our budgeted regular Middletown Elementary School expenses are $1,099,717.08, a difference of $14,278.70 from FY13 due primarily to increases in salaries and increased health care premiums.
- We share resources within the Supervisory Union.
- What does the Tinmouth vote mean to Middletown Springs?
Please take this opportunity to learn about the facts and ask questions. We look forward to seeing you at the multi purpose room at Middletown Springs Elementary School. If you are unable to attend the informational meeting please feel free to contact a school board member.
A digital version of issues to be covered will be available at the school website and at the town website Please also look for updates and additional information at Front Porch Forum and in the Middletown Springs Magnet, April Issue.
Clarence Hayes (Board Chair) 235-2505 Kendra Larson (Vice Chair) 235-2111
Karen Mach (Clerk) 234-2237 Meredith Morgan 235-2059 Chris Smid 235-1115
School Board of Directors
15 School House Road
Middletown Springs, VT 05757