Vacancy Posting – from Selectboard

by Middletown Springs on July 29, 2013



1.)   A Trustee on the Board of the Copeland Church Fund

2.)   A Trustee on the Board of the Copeland Cemetery Fund

3.)   A Trustee on the Board of the Copeland Milk  Fund

4.)   A Trustee on the Board of  the Louis Fund & Other Public Monies

Please send your letter of interest in serving on any or all of these boards to the Middletown Springs Select Board, Post Office Box 1232, Middletown Springs, Vermont 05757-1232

All appointments by the Select Board are for the term until March, 2014. At that time the positions will be elected by residents.

The Board wants to fill these appointments by August 8, 2013 so please quickly send your letters of interest!

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