The Planning Commission invites you to join us at one of our regular meetings on the first Monday of each month at the town office.
Currently the Planning Commission is researching and exploring two items regarding the town’s future. First we are preparing an application to the State of Vermont for acceptance into the “Designated Village Center” program which may have benefits for small business and commercial activity located in the village center as defined on a property map. The Rutland Regional Planning Commission is assisting with research and map development for the application.
The Commission is also in the early stages of exploring the economic future of Middletown Springs. We’ve researched some of the work done on this topic in the past and are reviewing some work being done currently in Vermont based on the concept of a “creative community”. Clearly Middletown Springs has a very lively and strong base of creative people, businesses and organizations.
Also, the Commission has a seat on the Rutland Regional Planning Commission (RRPC) and participates in their monthly meetings to represent the town and stay informed on regional planning topics.
For more information on these topics and planning commission business you can contact:
John Arsenault, Chair (,
Maureen McCormack, Secretary (, or
Tom Hurcomb, RRPC Representative (