FFE’s Flower Bulb Fundraiser

by Middletown Springs on September 20, 2013

Middletown Springs Elementary’s parent teacher organization Friends for Education is running their annual Fall Flower Bulb Fundraiser with orders due by October 4 with delivery by October 17.

Brochures and Order forms are available  here: FFE Bulb Sale Catalog; Bulb Sale Order Form 2013.  They were sent home on Friday September 20, with students.  They are also posted on the new school website at WWW.MSESVT.org and on FFE’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/FFEMSESVT.  Please visit us on Facebook and “like” us for all the latest information on upcoming events.

We have single bulbs tulips, daffodils, alliums and lillies and more collections this year.
We really appreciate the town’s support of our organization as we continue to bring enrichment to our school and community.

Please email Morganics@vermontel.net with any questions about the the Flower Bulb Fundraiser.

Thank you, Meredith Morgan

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