Conservation Commission
Current Commissioners: Steve Harrington and Beth Carmody. There are 3 vacant positions ready to be filled.
Since 2000, the Middletown Springs Conservation Commission has worked with our community to learn about and sustain the natural resources of our town. Conservation Commission initiatives include stewardship of the town forest, Sullivan Educational Woods; educational programs and nature walks for the community; monitoring and controlling invasive species; contributing to town planning efforts; coordinating Green Up Day, and monitoring and assessing the town’s rivers, wildlife, wetlands, and upland natural communities.
We often work in partnership with other area organizations. Annual work days include teaming up with The Nature Conservancy, Poultney Mettowee Natural Resource Conservation District (PMNRCD), Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Middletown Springs Historical Society, and town residents to control invasive plants along the Poultney River corridor. We support environmental education efforts at Middletown Springs Elementary School and have helped to establish a school nature trail and control invasive plant species in the school woods. We have worked with organizations such as Staying Connected Initiative and Vermont Department of Forest and Parks to provide field workshops and programs. We support efforts to identify, map, and conserve wildlife travel corridors, wetlands, natural communities, and important wildlife habitat along with organizations such as the PMNRCD and Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife. Click here for a PMNRCD wildlife habitat report on important wildlife habitat, wildlife sightings and other ecologically-important areas in Middletown Springs and surrounding towns. The Conservation Commission provides input on stream bank stabilization and water quality protection in town. We organize annual Green Up Day efforts on the first Saturday of May. Please look for posters around town for contact information and details. As stewards of the town’s 14-acre public forest, Sullivan Educational Woods on Daisy Hollow Road, we maintain a kiosk and hiking trail and provide walks and other educational programs.
Conservation Commission meetings are not on a regular schedule. Please contact one of the members to find out more. Our meetings are open to the public and all are welcome to attend.
Upcoming Meeting Agenda
UnApproved Minutes
Approved Minutes – Recent
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