General Information
The Town Office is the hub of town activity. This is where you go if you want to look at town records (land, birth, death, marriage, you name it), ask a question about local taxes, or license your dog. Many meeting notices are also posted at this office. The Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, Selectboard, and Listers all work out of the Town Office. All records in the town office are open for public view during business hours.
Office Location: 5 South Street (the corner of South & East Streets)
Mail: PO Box 1232, Middletown Springs, VT 05757
Phone: 802-235-2220
Town Clerk
Vermont law entrusts the Town Clerk with an extraordinary list of duties:
• Administration of all local and state elections
• Recording of land records & town proceedings
• Filing and indexing of all births, deaths & marriages (vital records)
• Filing and indexing liens, surveys and an assortment of other documents
• Issuing dog licenses
• Voter registration
• Notarizing documents
• Preservation and restoration of land records and vital records
• Transfer Station Solid Waste ticket sales
• Issuing Green Mountain Passports
• Hunting & Fishing Licenses
The Town Clerk is an independent official, answerable only to the voters.
Town Clerk: Patty Kenyon
Phone: 802-235-2220
Hours of Operation:
Monday & Tuesday 9am-4pm
Thursday & Friday 1pm-4pm
Closed on all Federal holidays
Town Treasurer
The Treasurer is elected at Town Meeting to a three-year term and is responsible for keeping the town’s financial accounts, investing money received by the town (with the approval of the Selectboard), keeping a record of the taxes voted, and paying orders drawn on town accounts. The Treasurer works with the auditors to settle town accounts prior to Town Meeting, and is often called upon to provide the Selectboard with financial information.
The Treasurer is also responsible for receiving Current Year property taxes. For any questions regarding Current Year Taxes, please call the Treasurer. If she is not immediately available she will generally call back within 48 hours. Please do not hesitate to use e-mail as an alternative. To meet with the Treasurer in person, please call or e-mail to schedule an appointment.
Town Treasurer: Jenny Talke Munyak
Phone: 802-235-3256
Office Hours: By Appointment
Delinquent Tax Collector
The collector of delinquent taxes ensures that town property taxes are paid by all of the taxpayers of the town. It is the delinquent tax collector’s job to notify taxpayers when their taxes are overdue, to make arrangements for late payments, and to take formal collection actions, including conducting tax sales of the property, when necessary.
Delinquent Tax Collector: Debra House
Phone: 802-236-7618