Taxes & Property
Town Treasurer
The Town Treasurer is elected at Town Meeting to a three-year term. Responsibilities of the Treasurer include maintaining financial records of the Town, keeping record of Property Taxes voted, paying orders drawn by the Select Board, and investing money received by the town (with approval of the Select Board.)
The Treasurer is also responsible for receiving Current Year Property Taxes.
Homestead Declaration for Property Owners
Town Treasurer: Jenny Talke Munyak
Office Location: 5 South Street (at the corner of South & East Streets)
Mail: PO Box 1022, Middletown Springs 05757
Phone: 802-235-3256
Office Hours: By Appointment. and 1pm-4pm on tax due dates.
FAQ’s, regarding Property Taxes
1. When are taxes due?
Taxes are due Quarterly in 4 equal installments. Mark your calendars for upcoming tax due dates.
1st quarter: September 15
2nd quarter: December 15
3rd quarter: March 15
4th quarter: June 15
2. Where should I send my taxes and to whom should I make the check payable?
Send checks to: Town Treasurer, PO Box 1022, Middletown Springs, VT 05757
Make checks payable to: Town of Middletown Springs
3. Are postmarks accepted?
Tax payments in envelopes clearly postmarked on or before the 15th of the quarter are considered timely. Postmarks with the 16th or later will be considered late and will be assessed an interest charge.
4. How much is the interest charge?
Each unpaid installment will incur interest of 1% for each of the first 3 months of the quarter and 1 ½% thereafter. An 8% delinquent penalty fee will be assessed and due on June 16th on any unpaid tax.
5. What methods of payment are acceptable to pay for Taxes?
We accept Cash and Checks. We are not able to accept Credit Cards.
6. When are taxes turned over to the Delinquent Tax Collector?
Unpaid taxes for the Current Year will be turned over to the Delinquent Tax Collector on June 16.
7. Who is the Delinquent Tax Collector?
Heather Grier is the Delinquent Tax Collector. Any questions regarding non-Current year taxes should be directed to Heather. She can be reached at 802-236-7643 or by email at
8. When will new tax bills be sent out?
Property Tax bills for each new fiscal year are typically mailed out in early to mid-August.
9. Can I have another copy of my Tax Bill?
Yes, you can come to the town office to pick up a copy, or you can provide us with a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope for us to send a copy to you.
Tax Bills Confidential: The Vermont Supreme Court has ruled that the property tax adjustment information on a tax bill is to be kept confidential and therefore is not a public record. The Town is now unable to give out tax bills containing income-sensitive information to anyone other than the taxpayer, without authorization from the taxpayer.
10. How is my Property Tax Bill calculated?
FYI – your Property Tax bill is based on the tax rates approved by the Select Board for the Town and Highway, as well as the School tax rate confirmed by the State.
The Town and Highway Tax Rate is a calculation based on the Grand List for Middletown Springs AND the Budgets for the Town & Highway.