Town Clerk Services

In Middletown Springs the Town Clerk is an independent official, answerable only to the voters.

Town Clerk: Patty Kenyon – serving a 3 year term ending in March 2027

Office Location: 5 South Street (the corner of South & East Streets)
Mail: PO Box 1232, Middletown Springs, VT 05757
Phone: 802-235-2220

Hours of Operation:
Monday & Tuesday 9am-4pm 
Thursday & Friday 1pm-4pm
CLOSED Wednesdays,  Federal holidays, the day after Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

The Town Clerk’s office is a hub of town government activity. If the Clerk’s office can’t help you, they will know where to direct you for assistance or answers. Here’s a rundown on what you can do at the Town Clerk’s office, and what other services the Clerk’s office provides. 

Research Land Records:  Town land records are available for research when the town office is open. Appointments are not required but space is limited. Copies of Land Records or any other document maintained in the vault are available at $1.00 per page. Our land records are in the process of being digitized, they are not available online but the Town Clerk can email you a current index, reach out to the clerk at for an up to date copy. 

Research public information: The Town Clerk’s office contains a treasure trove of information that open to research by individuals, including land records, town government records, births, deaths, marriages, maps and surveys, town meeting minutes, and much more.

Note that Town Clerk does not perform property or title research. You must visit the office in person during working hours to perform your own search.

Record deeds and land records: Deeds, Land Records and other official paper documents are recorded at a fee of $15 per page, with the exception of the Property Transfer Tax Return (PTTR) that must accompany all deeds; that document is considered a single page for recording fees and the charge is $15 per PTTR, regardless of the number of pages. If you have questions on recording documents or fees, please call the Town Clerk.

Get copies of official documents:

Purchase Transfer Station Tickets : Punch cards for the town Transfer Station are sold at the Town Office, the Transfer Station, and Crossman’s General Store. They cost $20 for ten punches. More detailed information can be found on the Transfer Station’s web page

License your dog or wolf-hybrid: All dogs or wolf-hybrids six months old or older must have a current rabies certificate and be registered with the Town Clerk’s office by April 1 each year. If your dog has been licensed in another Vermont town we will honor that year’s license and issue you a new one at no charge. If you are a new resident you must register your dogs within 30 days of moving to town. Licenses cost $11 for neutered or spayed dogs, $15 for those not neutered or spayed. An up-to-date rabies vaccination certificate is needed. Dog licenses are due to be renewed annually by April 1 each year.  After this date, an additional late fee will be assessed ($13 neutered / $19 non-neutered). 

Get something notarized: The Town Clerk is a Notary and will notarize documents for you at no charge.

Get a marriage license: The cost is $80 for the license (this is a state fee, the town keeps only $15). There is an additional fee of $10 each if you request certified copies. Marriage License Application

Elections Information: The Town Clerk serves as the town’s Elections Official. As such the clerk oversees all elections and maintains the town’s voter checklist.

Election Schedule: 
     Town Meeting – first Tuesday in March
     US & State Primary Elections – first Tuesday in August – Two year cycle
     Presidential Primary – first Tuesday in March – Four year cycle
     US & State General Elections – first Tuesday in November – Two year cycle

To Register to Vote:   Register to vote in person or online.

    • Complete a Voter Registration form – Voter Registration Form
    • Online registration can be found at
    • Vermont is a same day voter registration state. Applications will be available at your local polling place.

To Check registration status:

    • Log into the State of Vermont’s My Voter Page to
    • View information on upcoming elections
    • Access voter specific elections information, including directions to a polling place and polling hours
    • View a sample ballot
    • Request and track an absentee ballot
    • Registered Voters can log in at:
    • Online registration can be found at:

Fillable Forms – fill out and bring to Town Office:

Access to Town specific forms and information:

Middletown Springs Service Request Form

Zoning & Permits: The Town of Middletown Springs does not have local zoning regulations or a zoning administrator. All state regulations apply to new building.  Permission to work in the Town or State Highway is required for NEW driveways on a Town road. To request town permission please complete the Highway Right of Way Work Application. To request permission on a state highway visit 

E911 addresses: To obtain an E911 Address for a new build, contact the Town Clerk. All new house sites must be assigned an E911 address. Please check in with the Town Clerk to obtain your official address PRIOR to changing your mailing address with the Post Office. Your E911 address is based on a physical measurement of your driveway access. You cannot assume your parcel ID will be the same as your E911 measured address. 

Obtain an overweight vehicle permit: Permits are $10 per year for a fleet or $5 per year per individual truck to use the town roads for overweight vehicle travel. Each permit allows the recipient an unlimited number of trips. Municipal Excess Weight Permit Application

Apply for a liquor license: If you wish to open an establishment selling alcoholic beverages in any form, applications need to be submitted online via the Vermont Department of Liquor Control

Purchase a Green Mountain Passport: If you are 62 years old or older and a Vermont resident, or a veteran who has been honorably discharged from active duty in US armed services, you are eligible for a lifetime day entry pass into the Vermont State Parks called the Green Mountain Passport. This is available only at Town Clerk’s offices, and costs $2. Each Passport provides free day use pass for life for one individual.

Post meetings: To be properly warned under the Vermont Open Meetings Law, all board and committee meetings must be posted in three designated places in town, which are the Town Clerk’s office, the Library, and the Post Office. Warnings and agendas of meetings to be posted at the Town Clerk’s office may be emailed or delivered to the office for posting there, postings in other locations are the responsibility of each board or committee.

 In addition to all of the above, the Town Clerk:

  • Serves as a voting member Board of Tax Abatement, which grants tax abatements in special cases,
  • Serves as a voting member of the Board of Civil Authority, which assists with the running of elections, acts as a quasi-judicial board for grievances between taxpayers and listers, and maintains the voter checklist,
  • the Town Clerk collects and distributes mail, answers phone calls and fields in-person inquiries of all kinds.