Sullivan Educational Woods
- Town owned, approximately 13 acres of forest and wetlands.
- Location: Near the intersection of Fitzgerald Road and Daisy Hollow Road.
- Occasional programs run by the Conservation Commission.
- Trails to the Poultney River.
Mineral Springs Park
- Public Park owned by the Middletown Springs Historical Society
- Location: At the bend in Burdock Avenue
- Historic springs and spring house
- Picnic spots on the banks of the Poultney River
Middletown Springs Community Playground
- Community built playground
- Located at the Middletown Springs Elementary School
- Open to all members of the community
Bone Builders
- Free RSVP Bone Builders Exercise Class
- Monday and Wednesday 8:30 a.m. at the Community Church
School Multi-purpose room
- Available to town residents for loan or rent for parties, groups, clubs, exercise, etc.
- For more information phone the school at 802-855-5155
- Licenses available at the Town Office during normal business hours
- Weigh station location at Crossman’s General Store